
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday This and That

Yay, we had sunshine today. Didn't see the ol' Sol since last week. He hid all weekend and Monday. Even mum was in a better mood and it got a bit warmer around here too. Mum could be outside without a jacket.
Mum got all sorts of chores done tonight. Grass all mowed, library run done and she picked up a sub for dinner. I like that cuz she shares, but she couldn't share tonight, they put onjuns on it, even when mum said not to. So she sent off a customer complaint to the company. They are a local place so she knows they will answer. Not one of those big national chains.

Mum has to go get her tooths all checked out tomorrow. Gotta keep that purrty smile.


  1. Your human has to go for a dental? Are they going to do bloodwork first? I know that's important for us kitties.

  2. I hope you mum has a good experience at the dentist. Perhaps she could have happy gas!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. and over here are the sun hiding behing heavy grey clouds today :(

  4. We had rain yesterday, but the sun is shining again today. You have reminded my mum that she has to book a dental check up for her and dad. I am glad it is not for me.

  5. sunz out breef lee heer az well, we bee thinkin fair lee soon de "gals" virginger & crew....R gonna go inta hibernayshunz til spring time.....knot much left ta due in de yard round heer any mor ....hope mumz appt wented well ~~~~ ♥♥♥

  6. We had sunshine today too, It was pawsome!

  7. All sun with us today too, and yet very comfy weather.

    Emma and Buster


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