
Monday, December 7, 2015

ManCat Monday

Dogs have their day, but cats have 365. - Lillian Jackson Braun.

Ah yes, back to Monday. Mum will have to get going and go day hunt. 
 Mum switched out the throw on the couch on Sunday. I burrowed under it for a while, mum was tickling me. So then I decided I would come out to escape the tickling.
 Mum saw this comic on our paper, but she says they are not talking about my sweetie, Dora the Explorer.
Mum made three more batches of peanut brittle yesterday. Says she needs some to take to the library board meeting on Wednesday. They have their meeting, then relax, visit, have munchies and a beverage.  They have it away from the library since the beverages are the adult version!
 Mum took a picture of our outside Christmouse lights. You can just make out that they are on. She should have waited until it was just a little darker.

Oh well, everyone have a good week.


  1. Looks like things are getting very festive around your place, Ducky!

  2. I hope you and your mum have a good week too, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. That is one comfy looking throw you have there, Ducky! And we love how festive your outside lights are!

  4. That throw looks so soft and snuggly. We bet you plan on spending lots of time on it. We know we would! Mom says she likes seeing Christmas lights on just before it gets dark. She says it's that magical time and thinks your lights photo is perfect.

  5. Your outside lights look very festive ! Purrs

  6. The lights are pretty. Your throw looks good for snuggling under.

  7. dood....we iz total lee on R way for sum candee bee for
    yur mum gives it all two sum peepulz ~~~~ ♥3♥

  8. My mom did her usual lights ritual: dig the lights out from the garage, stare at them for a long time, re-realize there's really no place here we can use them.

    She just never learns.

  9. It looks very much like you are in the spirit of the holidays around there. That peanut brittle must have smelled amazing!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.