
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Tuesday This and That

We are slowly coming out of the deep freeze. It was up to double digits today for the high temperature and it isn't supposed to go below zero tonight.

Mum says she will open the drapes and curtins tomorrow morning. They haven't been opened since Sunday evening. Don't worry, I have other windows I can look out of to see what is going on.

Me on Caturday night while mum was working on the blankie.


  1. We dont envy you the cold. But we did get down to 10 two nights in a row, and there is a first snowstorm headed our way and we seem to be right in the center of it!

  2. Wow, and I though upper 30s was chilly here!

  3. You look good keeping warm under that blankie.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Gettin under dat blankey seems like a good idea to me.

  5. We're glad it's warming up a bit for you. It's supposed to get warmer here to by the end of the week.

    The Chans

  6. That is a good idea to keep warm under the blankie while your mum is working on it.

  7. Great way for you and your mom to stay warm in this arctic cold!

  8. dood...itz like 943 bee low zee roe heer two.... we canna wait ta see virginger again....coz her meenz..... spring iz heer !!! ♥♥♥

  9. Good idea to keep those curtain pulled during your cold weather! You are such a good blanket supervisor.

  10. What a comfy looking blankie you have there Ducky.

    Emma and Buster

  11. We've been cold but not that cold. And of all of us, only my mom knows what below zero's like!

  12. Stay warm under your blankie ! Purrs

  13. yep it's cold cold cold here too. that blankie looks warm though.

  14. Hooray for window watching! We has had the furry, furry colds here last weekend (-27C), then it got warmer but still furry cold (-17C), now it's still cold (-11C) and tomorrow it's supposed to get above freezing. Mom bean says it has been a wacky January.

    Here in the house it is a balmy 72F and we lub it. Stay warm Ducky!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  15. We keep the shades shut when it is cold too. Keep warm cutie.


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