
Saturday, February 27, 2016


Hey everyone, Happy Caturday! It is a beauty-mus day here today. Bright and sunny and the warms will be here. Mum has promised open windows later!

 I was playing really hard with my fevver mousie last night and got it stuck in the cat tree! I pawed and pawed at it but couldn't get it out. Thankfully, mum saw it and rescued it for me. This is my favorite mousie to play with.
 Spring alert! Mum went out to shake the icky stuff off the rugs before she gets the sucking monster out. She spied a little green shoot coming out of the ground! YAY.
I gotta go find me a nice sun puddle to nap in. See you all later!


  1. We're glad your mousie got rescued ! Enjoy your beautiful weather ! Purrs

  2. Seems like the warms are definitely on their way to your house, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Enjoy your sun puddles and fresh air. We had sun today, but it was very cold.

  4. Yay! Looks like an early spring for you, Ducky!

  5. We love sun puddles! Enjoy...

    Noodle and crew

  6. We hope you found a sunpuddle, Ducky. We had sun today too. And it's supposed to be warmer tomorrow. Yay!

  7. Thank goodness your mousie was retrieved! Mommy cleaned under the sofa this week and it was a BONANZA.

  8. oooh, fresh greens.. how hopeful.. such promise of warm days and sunpuddles..


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