
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Garden Thursday

Yeah, we know it is still officially winter and February, but time to say hello for the new year. We are still inside for now. Not much for mum to do outside, other than feed the fevvers.
 Mum did come home yesterday to see that the box was tipped over. It was windy, but this isn't likely to get tipped by the wind. Mum is confuzzled as to what happend here. She stores the extra feeders in here for the winter. Don't need the hummer feeders this time of year. No foods for them silly sqwerls or racoons either
Plus Virginger gets to cellybrate this Sunday. It is Squillion Day!

See you again soon. Love, Viringer, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. Good to see you guys even though you're still indoors.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Polar Bears! No doubt about it. They are everywhere these days...

  3. Do you have neighborhood dogs who could smell the food left in the feeders? Or coyotes, maybe?

  4. Wonder who knocked over the box....
    Hopefully you will get to go exploring outside sometime soon when it warms up.

  5. virginger......caturday ewe wooda loved.....two day...knot sew much sew.....hope yur mum figurez out who de trooder iz~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  6. Some intruder must have thought there would be something tasty in the box.

  7. Hmmm, that is suspishus. Do you have raccoons in your neighborhood???

  8. Somebody was looking for something. I vote for aliens!

  9. There musta been some crazy introoder in your yard.

  10. We wonder who was that mysterious intruder too ! Purrs

  11. Hmmm, maybe all the fevvers grouped together and tried to get at those feeders. No? Okay, we didn't buy that excuse either.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.