
Monday, February 15, 2016

ManCat Monday

If there were to be a universal sound depicting peace, I would surely vote for the purr.  - Barbara L Diamond

Thanks to all who stopped by over the weekend to cellybrate my Gotcha Day, we did have a good time. It is so nice to have a furrever home. I do have one point to make.

I am Ducky,  
There were a few who called me Derby. I am not he, and he is long departed and at The Bridge.  'K? Mum says I shouldn't take it so purrsonal, but hey, everyone wants to be called by their correct name. Right? 

Mum and I had a peaceful weekend and we had a long weekend together. She didn't go to day hunt on Friday. Went to see her money man and he took her out to lunch for a nice fishy fry. She did bring some home, so I got some fish for Sunday lunch.
This is what was left, three pieces of fishy, two of blue gill and one of cod. She first gave me some of the cod. It took me a while to really want to eat it, but I did.
Later with the cod, a snarfed it right up. I am glad mum shares her stuff with me when she can.

She also got the metal monster's oil changed, and even though it was cold she had them wash it. The metal monster room is usually warm so it won't freeze. But on Caturday she went through the bank drive thru and the window wouldn't go down. So she had to park and go inside. Once the car warmed up it wanted to work again.

Caturday she went out again for lunch with Miss Lynn. She had an email that she could get a free meal if they bought a meal! Hey that works, then they just split the cost of whatever they eat. She did bring stuff home but says it has garlic in it, so I don't get any! Bummer.

Sunday, it was all snowy, so we just stayed all snuggled up, so we just snuggled and mum made this yummy chick-hen thing in the cooker thing. Dump the stuff in and go away for a few hours. It tasted OK, but didn't look purrty like the picture. Mum says she has to work on it.
 So it as a bit snowy on Sunday afternoon, mum readed her book and we sat by the big windows watching all the fevvers come by to eat. With the snow and cold, they are eating lots, already half way through what mum bought only a few weeks ago!

Me hanging out and watching fevvers. Stop in tomorrow for another cellybration!


  1. That fish looks yummy! The last time my human had that, it was during a cat show weekend - and can you believe she didn't share?!

  2. A fabulous long weekend with your mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  3. That sounds like a nice weekend, DUCKY, and we're gad your Mon shared the fishy fry with you!

    Now we hear rumours about some car problems this morning. We are crossing paws!

    The Chans

  4. That was a fun weekend Ducky :)
    Lots of yummy food,cuddles and Bird TV :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  5. Glad you had a good weekend,Ducky. I had a great time at your party.
    I know how you feel about being called the wrong name. I occasionally get called Eric. I think it is because two names are associated together for so long that sometimes people just forget and make a mistake.

  6. What a great weekend you had, Ducky.

  7. We made our mom bean go check to see if we called you by the wrong name...we is glad we didn't. Our mom bean sometimes calls us by the wrong name and we refuse to we ever answer anyway, MOL.

    Sounds like a good weekend for you and mom. Have a wonderful week!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. Mmmm, real fishie! You lucky Ducky!


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