
Saturday, May 7, 2016

Caturday - Derby Day

HiYa, glad you could all stop in for the Derby Day party. A day to watch horsies run fast and amember my brofur Derby.

It was on this very day, Caturday May 7, 2005 that mum gotcha'd Derby from the shelter.  They had lots of good years together, sadly Derby left us in December 2014.
So we have lots of roses, foods and good drinks. Be prepared to party and watch the horsies run. Mum will have the moving picture box on and have the early races on as well as the Derby itself.

Enjoy the buffet and drinks. Amember kittens, only water or milk for you. Us older cats can have various flavors of Nip-tini's or Meowgarita's.

If you are brave, trip a nip julep! They are strong, so know your limits!

Enjoy everyone!


  1. What a great pawty ! Hugs to your mom on that special day ! Purrs

  2. We just watched the race! It was great! And this is a great party! Purrs to you and your mum as you remember Derby today on Derby Day.

  3. We always think of Derby on Derby Day! Great party Ducky!

  4. Super party! We will always remember Derby!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. A special day to always remember a good friend.

  6. Happy Derby day- sorry I am late. And Happy Mother's Day to your wonderful Mom.

  7. We will remember Derby always.

    Thanks for coming by to help us say goodbye to our Bennette.


    Cory and family

  8. We're a day late, but we sure hope you and mom had a wonderful Derby Day!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.