
Monday, May 9, 2016

ManCat Monday

People who love cats have some of the biggest hearts around. - Susan Easterly

Happy Monday!

Me and mum had a nice weekend. Thanks to those who stopped by for our Derby Day party and amembered my late, grate brofur Derby.

Me hanging out an sitting on mum. We had a quiet Sunday together. Lots of cuddles, treats and just having a nice time together. 
 Although I can only take so much togetherness. Mum was not good at sitting still over the weekend. She said she had a wonky hip muscle, but that meant she brought out the heaty pad. She would get up and I would move in! I love the heaty pad.

I also had to rev up my purrer. Mum found out that our neighbor, Chuck, went to heaven on Friday. He had nasty blood cancer, leukemia, mum calls it. Comforting purrs to all of the family. He was a good egg, he would offer to do stuff with the trees and never ask for payment, or even let mum by him some adult beverages to enjoy.


  1. We're sorry to hear bout your neighbour, Ducky. We send purrs also in remembrance of our pal Derby.

    The Chans

  2. Ducky, I'm purring for your friend, Chuck's family.
    and hug to you

  3. We are glad that you had a good moms day. Sorry to hear about your neighbor - he sounds like a good man.

  4. we remember Derby too. He was one of Diamond's friends.

  5. So sorry to hear about your neighbor Ducky.

    Emma and Buster

  6. We're sorry for your neighbor, Ducky. Purrs

  7. dood....we are sorry to learn about your neighbor; our condolences to his family ~~ ♥♥♥

  8. We're so sorry about your neighbor. He sounds like he was a good neighbor and a good man. :(

  9. We're sorry about your neighbor, Ducky. We send his family lots of purrs....

  10. We were so sorry to hear about your neighbor.

  11. Good neighbors are a treasure. We're sorry to hear yours had to go. Maybe he will see Derby and William! And thank you so much for your kind words about William.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.