
Saturday, May 21, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Caturday.

Me and mum got going today with our usual long cuddle in the sleepy spot. I just lay in the crook of her arm, all stretched out. We nap together, just feeling the good vibes between us.

Then we even had a nice sit in the fevver watching chair. We saw our first hummer of the year at the feeder. Mum knows they have been around as the feeder gets emptied, but we hadn't actually seen one.

Then mum went out and pulled weeds. Things do look much nicer now, you can see the real flowers. Took out most of that white stuff the girls showed you on Garden Thursday.

Gotta run, I see she pulled out the sucking monster! Happy weekend.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like you had a nice Caturday, at least until the vacuum cleaner came out!

  3. What a nice Caturday you're having, Ducky. We have to tell the mom to put the hummer feeder out.

  4. I'm glad you got some nap time with your mum before the rug sucking monster came out Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Sounds like you had a nice Saturday, Ducky. I watch my mum when she id gardening to make sure she does it right.


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