
Monday, May 16, 2016

ManCat Monday

Cats do care. For example, they know instinctively what time we have to be at work in the morning; and they wake us up twenty minutes before the alarm goes off. - Michael Nelson

TeeHee, yes we do. We come sit on your head, sit on your full bladder, play THoE using your backside as a pivot point! Just to make sure you don't get your full sleeps.

Mum does have to go back to day hunt today. She took Thursday and Friday off, did lots of stuff, off buying things, seeing some of her furiends at lunch. Back to reality today mum. 
 I did a good one on mum last night. She had just settled in to watch the moving picture box. She had her jammies and robe on. I jumped up behind her on the couch and, YAK'd up a little bit! Yes I did. I got it mainly on the throw on the couch, but managed to get her robe a bit too. Not so much that she had to wash it in the washy machine right away. She could blot it up and wash it later.

Hope everyone has a good week!


  1. Oh dear, Ducky - that doesn't sound like a happy incident at all!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I hear of other kitties throwing up so creatively... and we just do it on the rug, or the carpet. Nothing terribly original.

  3. Was there bad language, Ducky?

    Today is a kinda holiday here. It used to be an official holiday, then the government took it back but the French being the French, it's still mostly a holiday. #1 has lots of work to catch up on, so she's at her desk and we're keeping her company.

    The Chans

  4. That's very considerate of you, Ducky, to hit things that are washable.

  5. lee awesum hurl job....tho we due hope ya feel aye oh kay ~~~~~~♥♥♥

  6. Nice job with the hurling! If you gotta do it, do it with style, we always say.

  7. That was pretty brave of you, Ducky! Oh, and did you hear our mom SQUEE! over that photo??

  8. It sounds like your aim was off...just a little, Ducky. ;)

  9. We bets she really appawciated that you didn't get any on her jammies Ducky! You are such a caring kitty.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. Yeah, its good ta keep the Beins on their toes (meaning up and out of bed when we are done sleeping next to them). We are more polite about yakking though. We head for the linoleum kitchen floor or at least a wood one.

  11. I hope you are feeling better. Sammy yacked in his Dad's slippers- he managed to get it in both.

  12. We do that sometimes too, just as our people get comfortable. Sounds like your timing was spot-on!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.