
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday This and That

OK, finally got mum amused enuf to let me get a post in. She has been looking at pictures of her new grand niece. Her name is Adora Elizabeth and she arrived yesterday.
 Here are the older two kids, the new mum is just off to the right! Cute kids!
 So this nice blankie is waiting to keep that little girl all wrapped up and warm. 
Me, checking out all the pictures on the puter. Nice to get pictures of the new family.


  1. Ducky, you look awfully attached to the blanket - maybe you can get your human to make one just for you!

  2. Personally, we think you should celebrate by getting a new little bro!

  3. dood....mumz wee neece iz R yur other cuzinz ♥♥
    we hope mum & babee R doin grate !!!!! conga ratz two her ♥♥♥

  4. Gotta keep your computer skills up Ducky. And it was very good of you to shed some furs on the blanket for the new baby.

    Sydney, Australia


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