
Monday, May 23, 2016

ManCat Monday

When your cat rubs the side of its face along your leg, it's affectionately marking you with its scent, identifying you as its private property, saying, in effect, 'You belong to me'. - Susan McDonough, D.M.V.

Yeah, mum is mine. I make sure I mark her often so she doesn't forget!

We had a marvvy weekend. It was all nice and warms, mum opened all the windows and doors wide open to let the fresh airs in. She sat outside in the shade yesterday, reading her book, relaxing. I was just inside, napping, but still enjoying the day. Mum says this was such a relaxing weekend, she hates to go back to day hunting.
Me sitting behind mum on the couch. I may look asleep, but ready to bug mum when the time is right for treats or play time.

Sending lots of love to my fellow ginger Billy Sweetfeets Norton Gingersnap. He has cancer which is such an ugly disease. Billy was a favorite of Derby's. Derby taught Billy how to drink adult beverages and walk on the ceiling.

Hope you all have a wonderful week.


  1. I had a nice weekend too! I got to go outside for a while on my harness.

  2. Great to hear you & mom have a lovely weekend =^x^=
    and sending purrs to your friend, Billy

  3. dood....we haz R best goin out ta billy two.....and
    we asked st francis ta spare all de blessings him haz ~~~~~~

  4. Lovely pic of you today Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! Nothing from the grill, though?

    We are sad about Billy too. :-(

  6. Sorry to hear about your furriend. Our brofur Silas had that awful cancer too...such a horrible disease.

    We had a nice warm weekend too and efurrybody got to go outside (briefly and one at a time) with the mom bean.

    Have a great week Ducky and Mom!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. Our weather was great this weekend too. It was fun having the windows opened.

  8. I am glad you had time with your Mum. I am sorry about Billy, I am praying for him.

  9. So sweet how you stay so close to your mom, Ducky! Keeping Billy in our purrs too.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.