
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tuesday This and That

Deary rainy day today. I did lots of napping. I sent mum off to day hunt and snuggled on in. Listened to the pitter-patter of the rain on the roof.
Otherwise not much else going on. You can see me in front of the heaty pad over the weekend. It is so nice to have this one. Mum makes sure it is off before she leaves the house. Her hip is still a bit wonky, bothers her most getting out of bed. Maybe you should just stay home and in bed mum, that would do the trick! She says she better not, she needs to keep her day hunting gig a bit longer. Once she gets moving she is OK!

Otherwise, not much going on!


  1. It was a dreary raining day here too, Ducky.

  2. We had the rain here today too Ducky. No sunny room for us, but we found cozy spots to nap inside the house. Your spot looks great too!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  3. Heating pads are nice places for naps.

  4. We finally got some sun Tuesday afternoon after having a few dreary days. I hope this continues. Sunbeams > heating pads.

  5. dood....hope yur mum getz ta feelin better; nothin werse than a crazed hip♥♥♥

  6. That is the purrfect spot for spending a rainy day, Ducky!

  7. You look very comfy, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. We agree with you, Ducky--maybe your mum should have a sickie day or nine. Hope it was sunny for you today!


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