
Saturday, July 30, 2016

Caturday - Night Already

HiYa, well so much for mum staying home and hanging out with me all the time now that she retired. Nooooooo. She was off to play with racy cars and be silly at the Sci Fi Cat National. Mum says it is now a "Major" race. Picky.
The event pin, kitty cruising around in its space ship looking for fun.
Hmmm, a strange shadow? No, only mum with deely bobber antenna on her head. Smile Mum. Too much sun and squinting.
Home now, we are cuddling and mum has her feets up to rest them. A bit achy from standing and walking around all day, over 3 miles! 
 Plus they had chick-hen dinner when the day was done. Picture from last year on how they cook the birds. Mum said it was all tasty, no left overs for me!


  1. It sounds like your human had lots of fun! But that's not right that she didn't bring any chicken home.

  2. hmmmmm...our Mommy says she doesn't remember your Mum having any deely bobbers up top when SHE saw her!

    TWO weeks to the BEARS!

  3. Your mum goes out all day and doesn't bring home any chick-hen leftovers? That's simply not right, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. I hope your mum made it up to you when she got home.

  5. We don't know about that no leftovers bit, Ducky. We suspect it's a fib. Anyway, we echo Flynn!

  6. Well, she's home now...hope she's not too tired to give you some cuddle time.

  7. No leftover chicken for you :(


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