
Saturday, July 2, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy holly-day weekend for those of us here in Mericky! Me and mum are looking forward to three days of chillaxin!

Mum was up sorta early and went to check out a new store, Meijer. She wasn't impressed. Prices and such about the same as the other stores. Plus it takes twice as long to get there as the farthest store she normally shops at. Oh well. So unless they have super-duper deals, she will skip it.
We had our usual playtime this morning with mum, me and mousie. Although I did get a bit carried away at one point and chomped down on mum's arm. She just held still until I let go. The she was quiet and didn't move, so I didn't pounce again. Guess I got a bit carried away, mum said I was wild!

Everyone have a safe weekend. Come by on Monday the 4th for quiet fireworks for us kitties.


  1. Sounds like you are going to have a good long weekend, Ducky!

  2. Enjoy your long weekend with your mom ! Purrs

  3. Hi Ducky. The mom shops at Meijer all the time. But it is a Michigan-based store and we have one pretty close to us. Happy Caturday!

  4. Sounds like you and mom had a nice Caturday Ducky! Our mom bean didn't get much sleep last night so we all had extra naps today. It was great!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. Some of my kitties get over excited at playtime too. Have a nice 4th!


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