
Saturday, July 23, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. We got the big time muggies! Mum was going to go for a quick walk, but wanted to get a little bit of foods in her tummy. She looked at the therm-o-meter, it was already 87! Hum-did-ity is so high some of our windows are fogged up! Mum decided to not go out in the heat.

Me, what am I doing. Well keeping an eye on mum, and getting just a bit of filtered sun puddles. They is hot if you get the full sun.
So mum, once she finishes her brekkie is going to make refridgidimater pickles. I don't think I will like them, but mum says she will.

Stay cool everyone. Happy weekend.


  1. We generally have dry heat, only today there's a fire over the mountains, and that's making things really smoky today. No danger for us, just bad air quality.

  2. Our coolest part of the day is between 6 and 8 a.m., so when our mom walks, she's out by 7. But if it's already too warm, she passes and stays in with us!

  3. It is very hot and muggy here as well, and we think we are melting.

  4. It's hot and humid here too, Ducky. We're staying inside where it's nice and cool.

  5. Hey, c'mon mum. Now that you're home full time, Ducky is your focus. If Ducky doesn't like refridgidimater pickles, then you really shouldn't be spending time making them. How about fish cakes with a few nip leaves thrown in?

    Sydney, Australia

  6. We had the cools here yesterday but it has warmed up today. Mom bean says she is glad it isn't as warm as where you are!

    Enjoy your day with mom Ducky. Just wait until tomorrow...she'll be able to spend her entire day with you instead of running away to day hunt.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  7. Ya, it's hot here too.
    Have a super Sunday anyway...

    Noodle and crew

  8. The muggies are badest depending on what ya are used to. And yours are bad for you. We normally get days 95 or above but the humidity hasn't gotten above 70% yet. TBT says we will get the "double 95" - (95F and 95% humidity) soon. There is just NO going out in THAT!

    TBT says he remembers traveling to Ft Worth once and pointed out to his guests that the temp sign on a bank was wrong because it said "105F" and it seemed OK outside. But his local friends said it accurate because the humidity was only 15%. Wow, "muggy" sure makes temperatures bad!


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