
Saturday, August 13, 2016

Caturday - Retirement 101 - Session 1

HiYa, Ducky here, happy Caturday.

Now that mum has retired, many of you have asked how things are going and the adjustments that have to be made.

I have heard your meows and will start with a series of posts on Caturday on how things are going. Mind you, me and mum have only been at this for just over three weeks. Still a work in progress. If you have a topic you want covered, let me know.

Today's Topic - Schedule

We cats purrty much set our own schedule and while our humans were off working we had a long stretch of time to do what we wanted. You came home from day hunting, had a few hours with us, then off to the sleepy spot.

Now you are here all the time during the day. Sure you go off for little bits of time for lunch or errands but, you are still here ALL THE TIME! We kitties have to adjust to that, so don't expect us to be at your side all the time. We still need our nap time, private time, litter box time, exploring time. So let us come to you when we want attention. You might be surprized at how often we come around. And when we do come around you need to pay attention to us. NOW! Not, later kittie or I'm bizzy kitty. Stop what you are doing and give us some love.

That is it for today's lesson. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


  1. Ducky, I can see " The win win situation " !

  2. The mom is retiring...her last day is this coming week, these lessons will be very important to us. Thanks.

  3. YES!! Your are spot on about the humans needing to respond NOW when we come to them for interaction. They alays assume we want food and that isn't true. I go to Mom L for play time or just when I need some Mom love.

  4. We have to wait awhile for the mom bean to retire, but those are some impawtent things for her to know. Thanks for sharing!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. With my human working at home, it's pretty much the same thing, with having her around all the time and having to manage her.

  6. Wise advice Ducky. We love having our mom around all day all although it's not technically due to retirement. She just never went back to finding another job after needing to be home for Ian during those years. by then she was nearly 50 and worn or from all the stress. But she was blessed to be able to do that what with dad being a development engineer with Honeywell and making a good income. But now dad is 57 and looking at retiring in a few years, mom says "God help me! " She's used to doing her own thing all day, not having him underfoot.

  7. Great advice, Ducky ! We wrote about getting used to the "work" rhythm after a few weeks of "vacation" rhythm, and it's similar : you and your mom have to get used to a new schedule. Purrs

  8. That is good advice Ducky. My mum looks after horses on our farm so she is home all the time. I used to go out in the fields and help her, but now I prefer to take it easier.

  9. I think the key message here Ducky is that mum is required to orient herself around your needs. I think that's really important for her to grasp.

    Sydney, Australia

  10. Excellent first lesson, I am sure you will have your Mom on schedule in no time.

  11. Now that is a very important lesson for all the newbie retirees out there. Great job, Ducky!


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