
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

We continue to have the hots and humids. Mum tries to get her outside stuff done early, then inside to clean up, cool off and do other stuff.
 Our butterfly bushes have finally bloomed. Mum has managed to keep them alive for several years, but she thinks she needs to put them where they get more sun. Maybe then they will bloom earlier. One is tall, the other short, that is a bit strange too. We haven't seen any butterflies on them yet, but them mum isn't sitting outside in the hots to look.
 Here is a project we are happy we don't have to snoopervise. The guy across the street is getting his entire yard redone with new dirt and grass. He said they will seed it, not sod. They hired a landscape company to do this, they aren't doing it themselves. They started Monday and are still working on it.
That is all for this week. Stay cool. Love Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. It will be interesting to see if the neighbour's lawn is a success in the long term.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Seed? Look for the upcoming Birdfest!!

  3. Good luck to that neighbor. Purrrrsonally, we think sod grass is prettier than seed grass.

  4. We love Buterfly Bushes! We have 5 planted deliberately (3 purple and 2 white) and there are 4 volunteers around that TBT says he will move to the sunniest spots. We wish the neighbor good luck on his/her lawn, but it is too early to plant grass seed. Sod yes, seed no.

  5. We do our garden by ourselves too !
    But it's really tiny...tee..heh

  6. When my dad grassed part of the vegetable garden he used seed. the birds thought it was a buffet for them and me and Eric had to work hard to keep them away.

  7. Good luck to your neighbor. Nice blog!!

  8. Very nice garden, thanks for the tour.


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