
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Still kinda quiet around here. But mum has gotten out, even in the hots and has been working outside. She cut back the grape arbor, it was getting to the point it was starting to grow over the lilac bush. Mum didn't take any pictures.

The majic lily is back, or what the naybor lady calls, naked lady lilies.
 It got wonky and grew through the fence!
 Mum has been trying really hard to get rid of these things. They are chinese lantern plants. They look purrty as the little lanterns get orinch, but the plants try to take over. Mum had them almost gone, then when they did the dungeon walls, it woke up seeds still in the ground. Little by little, mum is getting rid of them.
The guys across the street are doing well with the new grass. It has actually started to grow already.
 They came and sprayed this greenish colored stuff on Friday. It includes the seed, foods for the seed and stuff so the birds left the seed alone. It rained nice some, but to keep lots of water on it.
 They came back and put these hoses and sprinklers out on the lawn. They are on some kind of timer and they don't all come on at the same time either. 
 So last night mum took a picture, one sprinkler was on and you can sorta see that there is green stuff. Mum has looked at it closer and says it looks good.

That is all for this week. Thanks for visiting. Love Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. Your mum really works hard in your yard.

  2. We have a vine the neighbor planted. HE just mows it now in the open back yard, but it has gotten through the fence and infested places TBT cant mow. GRRR!!!

  3. Your garden looks fine, Ducky. That Lily is amazing and it smells good :) Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  4. We love to see your garden!
    Thanks for sharing...

    Noodle and crew


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