
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Tuesday This and That

The never ending tail of mum not being around continues. Yesterday she went on a boat ride with her furiend. They were on these boats were lots of people can sit and watch the world go by.
 Seems it was a fund raiser of some sort, got to see lots of fancy houses that mum could never afford, but if you can, and want to live on a purrty lake, they will do.
Now this last one kitties, maybe, if we got all our beans to gether and pool their green papers we could swing this. Eight bedrooms, lots of funky stairways to chase on, 11 bathrooms with space for tub hockey. Just a cool $3.2M, so shall we buy it?

Then today she actually worked in the yard for a while, mowed the grass so it looks nice and isn't all shaggy. Then went off to the library to see a free moovie. Eddie the Eagle. One way to cool off on a summer day, watch a moovie on the Winter Olympics!


  1. I am glad your Mom is enjoying her retirement and going out to give you a break :)

  2. Enjoying your retirement,super!

  3. *thinking of all the great hiding places those houses must have!*

  4. Wow - you're mum is all go, go, go isn't she?

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Is this boat ride in Lake Geneva? If so, I have really wanted to try that! Thank you for showing us the cool pics!


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