
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Caturday - Retirement 101 - Session 8

Happy Caturday everyone! Hope all of our furiends are doing OK with the HurryCane that has been bothering those down in FLf and the SE coast.

Today's retirement topic is  House chores- cleaning

I don't do that stuff, I just make is so mum has to do it. Plus mum does not like cleaning.  Yeah, when we got the new big cold box she cleaned, she almost had too. I didn't have any toys under the old one, but boy was the floor all icky!

Plus I don't think any of us kitties care for the sucking monster when it comes out from hiding. I have never been attacked by it, but it sure does make a lot of noise. I think it is that whirring and whining noise that is the worst.

Now, hopefully your beans won't get carried away and clean every day. Our schedule has been about the same, clean enuf to keep the health inspector away, but not so clean that all of our time is spent on cleaning. Mum is happy with that too, sort of like it has been.
Ah, sun puddles and quiet. Mum isn't cleaning today. Happy weekend!


  1. I hope you have a nice sun filled, vacuum free weekend.

  2. Ours seems to do the bare minimum. But she cleaned yesterday because we have friends staying with us for a couple days. Oh well, if thats what it takes!

  3. My human not only dislikes cleaning, she is really bad at it. Her boyfriend didn't seem to be much better, so they wound up having to hire a cleaning service to come in every couple of weeks to keep things from getting too out of control.

  4. There's no fears of my mum getting carried away and cleaning every day!

  5. Our #1 is pretty like Summer's human, but we don't have a cleaning service... Just dust bunnies!

    The Chans

  6. Our mom's a Virgo. You know what that means--neat freak! She does vacuum twice a week, but since we all make a lot of fur and fuzz, we're OK with it.

  7. When our mom retired, she said she was going to do all the cleaning that she put off because she didn't have the time. So cleaning! MOL!

  8. Yeah, TBT is saying he ought to pull out the frigerater and clean under there. And put it up on wheels...

  9. Phew, that's a relief to know that some things won't change much.

    Have a great chore-free day Ducky!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. Have a super weekend!

    Noodle and crew

  11. There's not a whole lot of cleaning going on here.

  12. There's not a whole lot of cleaning going on here.


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