
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Garden Thursday - TockTober Day

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper. 

We are all ready to  cellybrate TockTober you gotta have tock shots, so here we go! First a group shot and then one for each of us!
Ducky is hosting a big party over at the Tabby Cat Club for TockTober in honor of Angel Derby. This was his purrthday. He would have been 13 today. Happy Purrthday at the Bridge dearest Derby.

Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. Happy Tocktober, we will try to get by the Club for the party we have some Tocks on display @ our blog. We even have guest Tocks.

  2. Happy Tock-Tober!! The party at the TCC is rocking!

    The Florida Furkids

  3. Lovely 'tocks from you three. Happy birthday at the Bridge, Derby.

  4. Happy Tocktober sweetie!! :) thanks for sharing

  5. hay ewe gals, theeze tockz shots iz awesum....N we wood like ta say a most happee
    birthday two ewe two day derby.....werd iz de tockz iz lined up in yur honor
    az far az de eye can see....N everee onez havin a total lee rockin tockz partee ...N joy, say hi two de tocks oh dude & sauce ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ~~~~~~

  6. Happy Tock-Tober and Happy Birthday to Angel Derby. I posted my tocks pics on Monday.

  7. Well, you did your best, but you three don't really have well-defined tocks, so I suspect you're not going to win a prize this year!

    Sydney, Australia

  8. We love these tocks! Happy Birthday to Derby at the bridge.

  9. Great tocks, we are showing some of ours off today :)

  10. We bet Derby is celebrating over there! We don't do tock shots because it means we're running away and we're all blurry. We do that on purpose!

  11. Happy TockTober to you! I celebrated showing my 'tocks and showed flash back pictures of Angel China Cat and Angel Willow. They are probably celebrating with Angel Derby at the Bridge as we meow!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  12. Yeah for Tock-tober Day. Happy Birthday at the Bridge, Derby. Hope Ducky is having fun at The Tabby Cat Club. None of us are tabbies, so we do not belong. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. Happy Tocktober Birthday Day, angel Derby! We didn't have a single 'tock photo to share because someone is slacking, or maybe she picked up on no one here wanting their 'tocks photographed anytime recently, but that doesn't mean we aren't thinking about you, sweet angel boy!

  14. Happy Birfday at the Bridge, Derby! I bet at the Bridge everyone's tocks are all floofy and perfectly clean, huh? No kitty has klingons or nuffing!

    I need to get busy with a tock shot soon--only 10 more days to go!


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