
Monday, October 17, 2016

ManCat Monday

I'm not one of those complicated, mixed-up cats. I'm not looking for the secret to life.....I just go on from day to day, taking what comes. - Frank Sinatra

Yeah, Ol' Blue Eyes was one cool cat. Even if he was a human. Mum listens to his songs now and then. 
 I am taking it easy. Mum had her little travel bag out, will fill you in on where she went later.

First I gotta get going on the stuff for Tock Tober happening over at the Tabby Cat Club on Thursday for Angel Derby's purrthday. Hope you have your tock pictures ready.


  1. I can't wait to see where your human went!

    My human says that Frank Sinatra may not have been deep, but he was still complicated! She's into vintage film, and finds him a very interesting person!

  2. Oh those travelling humans! We're trying to convince ours not to go anywhere for the rest of the year.

    The Chans

  3. We are ready ! As we usually don't post on Thursday, we'll have a pre-celebration on Wednesday ; we hope you don't mind. Purrs

  4. We're ready for TockTober!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. I'll get my mum to look through my recent photos to see if I have any Tock shots. If not she will have to get some new ones.

  6. Naps aren't complicated. We just sits and then, we naps.

  7. Thank you for the Tocktober reminder.

  8. We'll probably be a little late with our tock post...but better late than never!

  9. Looking forward - or should I say, looking backward? - to your tock shots Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia


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