
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Garden Thursday - Happy Blogoversary to Us!

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday.

Our leaves are very slow to drop off the trees this year. Probably cuz the weather hasn't been that cold or windy. Matter of fact, it has been super nice.
 This is mum sitting outside with us on Tuesday, the temps were up in the70's! Normally it should be down in the 50's for high temps. Mum was enjoying the sun until it went down behind the earth! She must be part cat, soaking up the sun puddles!
 A closeup of the mums that mum bought, they still look really good. Plus we got enuf rains so mum hasn't had to water them special.
Mr Hawk made a visit on Tuesday as well. Mum knows this wasn't there on Monday, but she doesn't amember seeing the pile of fevvers until after her walk. On Wednesday even all the fevvers were gone. Mum didn't clean them up.

So that is it for now. Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

PS. Mum was all confuzzled, she was thinking November 5 was the first post, when in fact it is November 3. So Happy Blogoversary to us. Some of you caught it, mum didn't!


  1. Good to see ya human out in the sun and channelling her inner pussycat!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Very pretty mums. I am glad you had some warm temps.

  3. Your Mom MUST be part cat!

    Happy Blogoversary!!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. Dats a loverly Garden...Your Mom must be parts cat... we agree with the Florida Furkids!

    Happy Blogoversary dear Ducky!

  5. Happy Blog Day! We loved the yard pictures. Ours are lingering here too. We see Hawk here sometimes too. Fevvers all over one spot. Hawk never comes around while we are here to see him. Though an ancestor crashed a mockingbird right next to TBTs head once and he was all pissy about it for DAYS. So we are told...

  6. happee annie fursarry guys !!!!! hope mum cookz up a nice steak ore 43 for everee one ta sell a brate ...heerz ta another 100 ♥♥♥

  7. Happy Blogoversary! Glad your mum was able to enjoy some good autumn sun.

  8. Happy Blogoversary, Ducky ad Mom!

    It has finally started getting cold here. We got our first serious frost last night.

    The Chans

  9. Happy blogoversary!

    Our leaves are in the same boat. Hardly any color this year. :-(

  10. We've had some really pretty colors this year. Happy Blogoversary to you!

  11. Belated Happy Blogoversary!!!! We are having very nice weather here except it is really dry. Mommy is worried about some of our plants as she can't water everything. It is even worse in Meridian where the Grandparents live as it has been dry longer.

  12. Happy Blogoversary! We're with your Mom. Soak up all that sunshine now!


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