
Monday, November 14, 2016

ManCat Monday

Cats are absolute individuals, with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own. - John Dingman

Yeah, I have my own ideas. Sometimes me and mum are on the same page, other times not so much. Most of the time we are good. 
 Mum had a nice lunch with the other cat mum's, Donna and Jen. Their kitties don't blog much anymore, but mum keeps up with the on Facebook. So they ate, talked kitties, and more kitties. Mum came home all full. Did some chores, then went out for another racy car dinner. This was the local club, mum did not win any awards this week, but a good furiend got the member of the year award. She sat next to him at dinner.

Mum got the outside Christmouse lights up from the dungeon. She wants to get them put up this week while the weather is still nice. That way her fingers won't be all frozen up. She won't light them up for good until after Turkey Day next week. 

Feetsball Report

The Pack - losted. Just don't have it this year. Everything seems to be just a bit off. Mum has the game on the moving picture box, but was going through the paper during the game.

The Broncos - won! They won on funky play running back a blocked PAT.


  1. Gee - your mum is well organised for Christmas, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I know how you feel, Ducky - it's hard to keep your human on the same page as you!

  3. The days are getting so short and dark that it will be nice to have some Christmas lights and decorations up soon. But we agree with you about the timing. In fact, ours don't go up until around December 10th.

    The Chans

  4. we have our own ideas, just no thumbs. MOL

  5. I have my own ideas too and my mum doesn't agree when I tell her night time is for doing things, not sleeping.

  6. MOL, Random Felines!!!

    Did you get a little treat from that lunch, Ducky?

  7. Sounds like your mom bean is furry organized. Our mom bean thinks she lost a month during her two week vacation as Christmas is coming up far to quickly.

    Have a great week Ducky and mom!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  8. Your mum is smart to get the lights up now, Ducky. The weather's been so good can't possibly last.

  9. This is a very good week to get those lights put up weather wise! How fun your mom had lunch with other cat moms. Know our's loves it. She talks to Mom Paula on the phone and last night they were on for 1 1/2 hours!

  10. I am impressed that your Mom is working on Christmas lights. I still need to take down Halloween decorations.

  11. Good idea to gets our lights when da weathers dont froze your paws off...

    We hopes you haz a furry goods week snuggling in warm blankies. Gonna gets cold at night time now.
    -Katie Kitty Too

  12. I've heard that the Christmas decorating gets out of hand here at the library--but they won't start that until after Thanksgiving (whatever that is). All of the stuff is inside stuff though.

  13. We bet you are good all the time, Ducky. Our Mom just dragged out the box of lights too but she has to wait before putting them out. We've been raining buckets here since Sunday.

  14. It sounds like your mum had a nice visit. Good luck to her in getting the lights up!

  15. We are considering putting up Xmas lights this year. But not until Dec 10th.


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