
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Tuesday This and That

HiYa All, Ducky here. Me and mum are done with outside work! Well, I technically don't do any outside work, I just snoopervise. Mum got the last little things picked up and cut down from the yard. She then mowed up the last of the remaining leaves. 
 Sunday morning when the last tree finally decided to let its leaves fall! They only come off after a hard freeze. Below, Monday afternoon, after blowing and mowing for the final time. Those few leaves left will blow away.
 Then mum visited the compost pile for the last time for the year. Dropped the stuff off. She liked it that she was the only one there. No hassles to park, unload and leave. Then she stopped to get the metal monster all cleaned up, inside and out. So it looks purrty now.

Plus I have a video for the Katnip Lounge's mum. She likes water, so here is our waterfall from a few weeks ago. 

 So, just waiting for turkey day to get here. Mum says she will be eating duck! Yeah, same place as the last few years. Me, mum says I will get a nice lunch.


  1. Wow, the yard looks great! You guys did an awesome job together.
    And trust me, I am patiently waiting for turkey day tooooo...all the food...all the possibilities! hehe :)

    Hope you have a PURRRfect Thanksgiving and enjoy the rest of your day!


  2. As long as she doesn't eat Ducky!!

    The yard looks so nice!

  3. That sounds like a lot of work Ducky. It's probably a good thing mom bean has you to snoopervise.

    Enjoy your turkey day!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. mmmmmmmm...we have never eaten duck...can you mail us some?

    Mommy says that is an IMPRESSIVE waterfall!

  5. Snoopervising IS work, Ducky. You do plenty of it and you do it well, so a duck dinner should definitely be on the cards for you as well as your mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. You and your human have been busy, Ducky!

  7. It's nice when everything gets cleaned up. Our peeps still have some outside stuff to do...probably this weekend.

  8. Your mum has been busy getting everything tidied up. We still have lots of leaves coming down, but it has been very wet so she hasn't been able to do any garden work for a few days. The hard frosts before the heavy rain finished off most of the flowers so she needs to cut Eric's mums back and re-plant them in the greenhouse for the winter.


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