
Saturday, December 3, 2016


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday!

Hope the weekend is treating you ok so far. For me and mum, other than it is the weekend for most beans, it doesn't mean as much to us. Every day is a non working day for mum.

Hope you enjoyed the Throw Back Thursday post. I helped mum pick out some of the future posts that you will see. Plus it was so interesting going back and reading what Derby was doing back then. Mum was finding that most of the really good posts were from 2007. Must have been a good blogging year.
Mum has been doing some interesting things at night. Like the past two nights she slept in the fevver watching chair. Said her hip felt better as she didn't have a certain someone sitting on top of it in bed. HEY! That would be me lady. You know I like to be with you at night, but it is sort of nice to just lay on your lap all night too. At least when she first gets up she isn't all limpy.

Mum got more Christmouse stuff up from the dungeon yesterday. We now have three, yes three, trees up. Mum says she has to decorate the last one, but at least I haven't knocked it over like Derby did when she first put it up for him. Pictures later.

The weather guesser is saying we will get snow tomorrow. So stay tuned for that too.

Happy weekend.


  1. Three trees? That's a lot of opportunities to play Ducky!

    Our mom bean put up the only tree last weekend while she watched the Canadian feetsball. So far, we/Saku has been good and she's only heard the bells ring a couple of times. (There are two bell ornaments at the base of the tree...if he tries to play I hear it.)

    Have a great weekend!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. THREE trees? That is awesome! We don't even have one.

  3. We have three trees too ! Where did your mom put your tree ? At our home, the biggest one (1 m) is in the living room, the medium one (60 cm) is outside along the path to the house, and the smallest one (40 cm) is in Claire's nail studio. We put them up today. Purrs

  4. Our new tree's sposed to be comin today.

  5. We only have one tree but I like to help my mum with it.

  6. Oooh - we need to see pics of you playing in those trees, please Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Wow, you're lucky to have 3 trees, Ducky. We only have one little one up right now. The big one won't go up until next week because some cat around here (Ernie!) likes to climb it so the mom waits to put it up.

  8. We are sort of like that about weekends too. TBT says weekends are just busy store days, so he tends to stay home weekends and around holidays.


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