
Saturday, December 10, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. Hope every one's weekend is getting off to a good start. Bright and sunny here this AM. Weather guessers are saying lots of the white stuff starting tonight and into tomorrow.

Mum and Miss Lynn took off yesterday to go to the Olde World Christmouse Market and they were bummed. Not much good stuff to look at that was new, or just more of the same stuff. Mum did come home with warm socks and mittens. Same stuff she has now, just more to keep her fingers and toes warms.

On the way home they had to get out of the way of an ambulance. Then the way they come home was where the accident was. So they had to be really careful as they drove by, staying out of the way of the men in blue. It was a clear, sunny day, roads grate, still crashed. Mum has been trying to figure out who was going what direction etc. The car damage was on the passenger side of both cars.

I have been spending time by the new tree. Actually I walk inside it and sit. Mum has found me here the past few nights just before she heads off to her sleepy spot. She got down on the floor to take these pics of me.

Mum is about done with her brekkie, yeah, she is being lazy today. Late brekkie and still in her jammies! Ah the life, I like it too.

Happy Weekend.


  1. It seems like an accident epidemic - there were ambulances headed to one while my human was out today too.

  2. Under the tree was Eric's favourite place. I am still waiting for my mum to put ours up.

  3. Good to see you entering into the Christmas spirit Ducky - getting inside that tree!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We know your Mom is now retired, Ducky, but weekends are still weekends, because things in general slow down for everyone. So we think it's fine to stay in your jammies! Of course, our #1 can't do that because she has to take Tommy out!

    The Chans

  5. the weekend seems to be the time for getting up a bit later. That is how I know it must be the weekend. Enjoy your relaxing time.

  6. Our tree is too small for sleeping under it, but it has the perfect size for whapping decorations ! Like the Poupounette Gang said, weekends are still weekends, there's nothing wrong to stay with your jimmies ! Purrs

  7. You look great next to the tree.

  8. We love lazy days Ducky. Your mom bean has more time for cuddles with you.

    Stay safe and warm both of you.

    Sasha, Sami & Saku


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