
Thursday, December 22, 2016

Throw Back Thursday

Hey everyone, getting closer to Christmouse. Mum doesn't have to shop this time of year for stuff other than our foods. She can avoid the crazy peoples out there.

Today's flashback comes from December 22, 2007. Back then mum still needed shopping for Grampie. But even then she tried to avoid the last minute crazy. Even the weather is treating us like it did in 2007. Lots of snow and cold, we turned to winter and it is warming up. Go figure!

Shopping - Are You Done Yet?

Can I help you putting away all of the stuff in these bags?

Mum is done with her Christmas shopping and has been putting the stuff inside of pretty colored papers. But she won't put them under the tree as she doesn't want me to eat them or rip them open. At least not until Christmas.

Mum is trying to sleep extra as her head is stuffy and she is tired. I however wanted to wake her up early. So I jumped on the bed and starting doing Fat Eric's trick of licking her hair, she didn't get up until she wanted to get up.

Then she readed the paper things and then went to the store for food. She said she is not going into a store to shop for many days, too many crazy last minute people shopping. She got what she needed for her and Grampie, even buying stuff that she said the store was practically giving away.

Mum had looked last week at stuff for herself but didn't get anything. Then yesterday the stuff is even less AND she had a coupon for 15% more off. So she gotted herself some cute sleeping outfits, one with kitties on them, one with sheeps and a nice fluffy robe to help her keep warm as we sit on the couch and snuggle.

Winter is being strange. We had lots of snow and cold weather while it was still officially autumn, now that it is officially winter, we have warmer weather and lots of fog. So it it very dreary outside. The talking box people say it is going to rain, then get cold and bring some snow. So we will have a white Christmas here.


  1. As if you would rip open a present! Pfffft!

  2. Those are some very cute pics of Derby.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. My human is glad she only had minimal Christmas shopping to do!

  4. We have a bunch of young ones coming on Boxing Day, and they have two great black kitties, Pixel and Buffy, so presents need to be wrapped for all of them!

    Enjoy the holidays!

    The Chans

  5. That is a nice throwback with Derby.My mum went food shopping tonight and said it was crazy.

  6. We just love that photo of Derby with his head in the bag handle!

  7. It's nice to see Derby. We like playing in the bags too...though the mom won't let us for too long so we don't get hurt.

  8. Good for you that you don't have to go out into all those crazy people! We, too, only have to go out grocery shopping and we don't mind that being the only trip!

    Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, and safe New Year!


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