
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Throw Back Thursday

HiYa Ducky here. We are on to the end of the week and the end of the year. Wow, another year almost done. Where do they go so fast. The new year should be interesting seeing there will be a new prezzident.

We have had some ups and downs with weather this week. Rain, sunny and melty, then back to cold, then not so cold. Mum has to change up every day what she wears out walking every day. She wants to be warm enuf, but not too warms.

So this weeks Throwback is to 2007 and we had just gotten snow.

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Winter Wonderland

The snow machine was at it again yesterday. Mum worked from home so she didn't have to go out with the crazy drivers to get home. Plus she had to use the snow eating monster, again.

So here are an assortment of pictures from yesterday during the storm, some even at night and then today.
So where was I during all of this. Having a nap pile with the new seven kitties on mum's new throw! She took a picture of me from outside while she was working.
Plus with the snow it brings lots of birdies around to eat at our feeders I get so 'acited when they come around. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and lots of snack.
Ah, the good life. Stay warm and dry everyone.


  1. That snow sure is pretty - I bet it is extra pretty when you don't have to go out in it!

  2. Some lovely pics by your mum. And Derby looks like he's gearing up to throw himself through the window, doesn't he?

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Snow is always so magical, but still we're glad we never have to go out in it!

  4. Mom bean says if she only had to look at the pretty photos of snow she'd be happy. The pictures are truly beautiful.

    We kitties especially appreciate the one with all the birdies.

    Great Throwback Thursday!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. Wow! It was a winter wonderland. We're sure you'll get more snow like that...probably sooner than you'd like.

  6. Your snow photos are beautiful!!!! We like to LOOK at snow but we don't think we would like to get our paws in it!

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Those are wonderful photos of the snowfall from 2007! We'd be chittering at those birdies for sure!

  8. Beautiful photos, snow looks so pretty coating everything.

  9. That's a lovely flashback and the snow looks so pretty.


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