
Saturday, January 14, 2017


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday.

Not much going on here this weekend. Mum has plans to each lunch out with a furiend today. Mum says she has been there afor, but her furiend hasn't. They are looking for a new spot to add to their rotation since an old favorite closed last month.

Me, well I am going to take it easy today. Well, as easy as I normally do. I woke mum up and we had our usual nice cuddle for the AM. I like to wake her up in the morning, cuz if she is in the sleepy spot she pays me lots of attention.

It was a fun week with special days for me. It was Kiss a Ginger Day on Thursday and Rubber Ducky Day on Friday.
 Here are some rubber ducky pictures from when we got them. Up top, me checking out the little guys right out of the box. Below, Derby checking them out in the sink, yes, the floated!
Plus we have to watch feetball again this weekend. The Pack plays Sunday afternoon, gotta see if we can beat down them Cowboys. See if ARodg can throw another Hail Aaron pass!

Happy weekend all.


  1. Those were fun days and we loved your pictures!

  2. We didn't know about kiss a ginger day, but it fits--Mom managed to give Izzy a smooch on the head before he could go mental over it!

    We love your rubber duckies!

  3. Sounds like you had a pretty good day and week, Ducky.

  4. We think every day should be kiss a ginger day!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  5. You're lucky you got to take it easy today, Ducky! I was at a cat show all day.

  6. Ooh, those rubber ducks look like fun!


  7. Have a good weekend (what's left of it) Ducky and mom.

    Sasha, Sami, & Sak

  8. Smooches fur Happy Ginger Day!
    -Miss Peach who loves smooches and am still looking fur her furever home.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.