
Saturday, January 21, 2017


HiYa, Ducky here. Finally getting mum going on my post. Firsted she slept later than she normally does and then was puttering on the puter playing a game. A Game! It is more important that I get to post.

It is all froggy here again today. You can see across the street and all, but the clouds are super low. Here is a pic from yesterday. Hardly any snow left, only where the snow plow pushes it up on our yard. Heck, the temperature thingy says it is 41F(5C) degrees out. Much higher than normal for this time of year.
So if the weather is going to by icky, then I guess it is time for a nap. Then I can join mum in watching for fevvers. First she is getting the sucking monster out for a bit of work.
 Nice place to nap, in my ham-mick. The heaty spot blows the warms underneath me. Keeps me nice and toasty.

Plus I gotta rest up now, tomorrow is a big day as The Pack will be playing. Mum says she likes the time of the game. After lunch and should be done afore dinner time. MOL, girl has to keep her meal times!

Happy Weekend.


  1. Enjoy your day Ducky! We have the clouds and fog here too, but our snow is not melting. It's definitely a good day for a long nap.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. Sounds like you and your mum have the weekend all planned out.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. We have no snow here. And it was foggy today. It actually was really least for January. It got over 50 degrees!

  4. You're lucky you get to stay inside, Ducky! It's going to be pouring here tomorrow and I have to go on a therapy cat visit! Oh well, it will be worth it anyway.

  5. Stay warm and have a good weekend ! Purrs

  6. Yeah, sometimes we have to bug TBT ever so long ta get him ta help us post. He will eventually, but sometimes we forget what we want ta say by then. Then when we remember, HE is busy. We go round and round... MOL!

  7. I have the same problem with my Mom! She is always playing games! Does your Mom play Words With Friends or SongPop or Jackpot Party Casino? My Mom plays all of those! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody


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