
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Tuesday This and That

HiYa Ducky here. Well mum has continued on her cleaning kick. Today she got out a majic sponge and made all my paw prints on the one wall and the top of the book case disappear. It didn't even take her long. Sheesh, I have spent ages getting that just right, and poof, GONE!

Guess I will have to double up my efforts to get my paw prints back on the surfaces.


  1. Get at it Ducky - it's challenging now that your mum is at home so much, but I'm confident that you can do it.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. You could send her here, Ducky. We have positively printed up the off white half wall between the kitchen and living room!

  3. Guess ya gots to get back to work!

  4. More work for you, Ducky? I guess it will be a long while before YOU retire!

  5. Well, that's just wrong! Your paw prints are very important!

  6. Why does she need to do that? Well, take that as a challenge! Put your prints on more walls now.

    Emma and Buster

  7. Doesn't she realise how hard you worked with your decorating skills?

  8. Oh, don't you just hate it when Moms wipe away our hard-created artwork? Our brother Quint has to deal with Mom cleaning his prints away lots of time, too.

  9. Doesn't she realize all the work you had already put in for your wall mural? Back to square one.

  10. Sheesh....appawently your mom has no art appawciation! We're sure you'll get the masterpiece back in place furry soon.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  11. Your mom can do magic with a sponge ? Amazing ! Purrs


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