
Monday, March 13, 2017

ManCat Monday

A cat has absolute emotional honesty: human beings, for one reason or another, may hide their feelings, but a cat does not. - Ernest Hemingway

Happy Monday. Me and mum will be watching the snow come down today. Yeah, winter won't give up on us just yet. 

Our little green plants are poking up, more and more. But they will all be covered up by the snow.
Me, well I will just nap and snuggle up with mum for the day. Although there won't be any sun puddles to nap in.
 Happy Monday all.


  1. I can't believe you are still getting snow... and I guess the little sprouting plants are having a hard time believing it too.

  2. Happy Monday Ducky and mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Stay warm, Ducky, we cannot believe that snow is still falling by you. Purrs

  4. eye noe this commint haz nothin ta due with this post
    but eye wanted ta say thanx 777 bazillion timez for
    yur kindnezz two me & me familee last week
    sorree for de copee N paste type for mat…….lovez all wayz
    boomer ♥

  5. Will the little green plants be OK under the snow? Stay warm!

  6. Snuggles are good even if there isn't a sun puddle to be found.

    The Florida Furkids

  7. Yeah, we got snow today, too. Maybe not as much as you did but enough to cover everything up pretty good.

  8. You are looking well, Ducky. <3
    It is funny you put that quote up today because I was talking to someone earlier and telling them that I like cats because you always know how they feel. :)

    I hope your sun puddles come back soon!

  9. You got WAY more snow than us! Keep it up there, please.


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