
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

We gots a little bit of snow on Wednesday, so everything is purrty and white. It won't last long, it will be warms again by the weekend.
Mum did not get a picture, but we saw a robin in the tree it the back on Wednesday too. More signs of spring.

Plus it is Dr Seuss Day. Here is my homage:

I am a cat
I don't wear hats
Pet my fur
Hear me purr .

Today's flashback is of ME!

Tuesday March 2, 2010

Play Time

Hey everyone. The lady said I can do an update, she has a moovie of me showing me off. Big kittie and I are sort of getting along. The lady does not let us together when she isn't around. I also saw a big, deep place tonight, the lady would not let me go down there. More places to explore!

OK I am done being cute.


  1. That's an excellent homage poem, Ducky. And I loved the movie. I think your mum has put the wrong date on it, however. It says it's March 2017 - but did she mean 2007?

    Sydney, Australia

  2. My human and I are in Vancouver - and it is supposed to snow this weekend!

  3. Lovely poem ! Happy Dr. Seuss Day ! Purrs

  4. Ducky, you couldn't stop being cute then and certainly not now! Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

  5. Happy Dr. Seuss Day! We haven't gotten any snow and we hope we don't. :)

  6. We live in the same area as The Island Cats so obviously we have no snow too! catchatwithcarenandcody


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.