
Saturday, March 4, 2017


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Me and mum are getting off to a slow start today. That is OK, we don't have to rush around.

Mum is a bit gimpy, seems she went to a party last night and smacked her foot against a step that was taller than she thought. So her toes are a bit sore, but not even bruised this AM. She thought she would have a bruise, but nope. She also took off the ratty nail polish from her toe!
 Yes, I am keeping an eye on her for a few days. Not much walking for her now for a few days while the achy-ness goes away.
Miss Megan was sharp eyed the other day spying that mum had typed the wrong date in. Mum typed 2017, Miss Megan said 2007? Nope, I wasn't even borned yet, it should have been 2010 just a few weeks after I came to live here.

More of our spring arriving birds are back and noshing down at the feeders. So mum is happy to see them. Plus our little crocus keeps on pushing its way out of the ground.
Have a wonderful weekend, mum has her toes up, why don't you do the same.


  1. That must have been painful for your mum. I hope her toes soon feel better.

  2. I hope your human's toe feels better soon!

  3. Ducky - I trust that you will snoopervise your mum's recovery closely, and sit on her toes if she looks like she's going to get up and walk around on 'em.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Oh TBT says he knows about stubbing a toe. It hurts too much to laugh and he is too old to cry. But he can limp...

  5. Poor mom ! We hope her toe gets better soon ! Purrs

  6. Poor Mom!! Hoping her tootsie feels better soon! Oh, tell Mom they were wearing her hat on Saturday Night Live last night!!! catchatwithcarenandcody


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