
Monday, March 6, 2017

ManCat Monday

Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well. - Missy Dizick

 I am not sneaky, evil or cruel. I am a sweet, adorable mancat. So Missy, you got it all wrongs!

Mum has been working on the hats she owes to peoples. Two have been sent and received by the ladies that wanted them. 

Four more done and ready to mail. Wow mum, staying home with your feets up means you get more hats done.  Here are the four packages ready to go to the station. 
 All done, I approve and do I want to model this for everyone. Not really, OK? Hey, get this off!
 That is better, don't try that again. OK I will be come sneaky, evil and cruel! Just you watch it lady.
Yes, mum's foots is OK, she had to do lots of trips to the dungeon on Sunday for laundry. Then it got a bit hurty. But once she was done, she sat again, by evening it felt OK.

Have a wonderful week everyone.


  1. C'mon Ducky - be a sport and parade around wearing a hat. It suits you.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. It sounds like those hats are in high demand! BTW, I am kind of the opposite of sneaky, evil, and cruel. Well, maybe I am a little bit sneaky.

  3. We don't agree with Missy either!

    Please tell your Mom to take good care of her foot.

    The Chans

  4. We know you didn't like being a hat model, sweet Ducky, but we thought you looked very handsome regardless.

  5. That is a great hat and you are good at modeling it.

    Emma and Buster

  6. Your such a good sport to model hats and your Mom is doing a great job on them!

  7. Your mum sure has been busy! And you look adorable in the hat!

  8. MOL! Ducky, you look good in that hat. ;)

  9. Mom LOVES her hat and thanks you soooo much!!! Unfortunately, Mom was going to blog about it tomorrow but has to move that post again because she is having another lithotripsy tomorrow and hasn't had a chance to take photos of her in the hat. She is hoping you will forgive her! Love, Cody xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  10. I think that was my hat! I smelled you on it and TW just finished the post for Monday.


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