
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Throw Back Thursday

Mum says this will be the last Throw Back Thursday, next week. Garden Thursday starts with the girls.

Thursday March 30, 2006

Yummy, Fresh Air

Here is the latest batch of kitty grass. Mum broughted it out tonight and was going to give it a little water before she put it down where I could eat it. I wanted it now and jumped up to start noshing. Yum.

No, I never did find a way to get to the top of the thingy to eat it early. But I will keep thinking about it. She has another batch growing up there.

What I call the dungeon, mum calls the basement. The only thing there that breathes fire is the big metal thing that warms the house. So, no dragons that I can see. I think I am pretty safe. Lots of kitties said they didn't have a dungeon, so I will share mine. I gots lots of room.

Plus mum finished reading me Max's book last night. We both liked it, towards the end I began to remember the posts that I first read on the 'puter. That is when I started to get into blogging. Furry good Max.

And tonight when mum came home from work she opened some windows in the house. I was so excited about this I almost jumped out the window to the outside. Mum just caughted me before I got loose. She was happy as she didn't want to run outside to try and catch me. Here you can see me sitting with the open window as it gets dark. It was nice to smell the fresh air and all of the outside smells of spring.
My dear Princess Mia won a contest. She gave a wonderful thank you speach at the Diva Kitty site. She even thanked me, I'm dreamy. Thank you PMB.


  1. Wow, 2006! That was 11 years ago - Sparkle wasn't even four yet. I didn't know Derby started blogging so long ago.

  2. Hey - if Derby got grass at the same time of the year, where's yours Ducky?

    Sydney, Australia

  3. dood....tell de gurlz ta keep ther coatz handee just in case.....we iz knot two sure winterz total lee gone....leest round heer ~~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  4. That was a great throwback. We don't get grass very often.

  5. That is a lovely throwback. I go out in the garden for my grass, or if the weather is nice my mum takes me out in the field. She has to carry me there and back now because I tire quickly, but when I am there I enjoy doing my patrols. I will look forward to seeing the girls again.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.