
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday This and That

We had lots of sun today, so both me and mum took advantage of the bright, cheery day. She had a few errands to run, then fed the metal monster and took a ride! She didn't go anywhere specific, just wandered around for a bit. She came home with a nice smile on her face.

Then once mum made a batch of her chick-hen soup, and I got some of the chick-hen, we sat in the chair and watched outside most of the afternoon. Mum is not happy the sqwerls have been at our new little feeder. She is not happy.


  1. Mom uses safflower seeds in her birdie feeders...the evil squirrels don't like that.

    The Florida Furkids

  2. We're in a cold snap, so it was the return of the couch blanket for us. That made us happy! We never found a solution for marauding squirrels when we had the house. Nowadays Mom only worries about the one in DC.

  3. Sounds like a lovely day. But perhaps your mum could do some googling to find ways to outwit those sqwerls.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Those squirrels are always stealing food from the Bird TV actors!

  5. Chikken and sunshine - sounds good!

  6. dood....tell mum ta put sum a lew minum tubing kinda stuff round de post holdin up de air duct kinda stuff......we can see it in R mindz eye but iz havin trubull eggs vizshuz squirrel canna climb up it ~~~~ ♥♥

  7. Sounds like your mum is still enjoying retirement!

  8. That sounds like a wonderful day ! We're sorry the squirrels are stealing the birds' food. Purrs


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