
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Farewell Flynn

Me and mum's hearts are sad today as one of our special furiends has gone to The Bridge. Flynn, one of the original Gorgeous Gingers, has reunited with his litter mate Eric.
 Here the two of them are planted in the green house pots. So that is how we grow into Gorgeous Gingers!
 Farewell Sweet Flynn. You are free from health issues now. Fully healthy. So run free, have fun with Eric and the rest of the gang at The Bridge. Say hi to Derby for me and mum.


  1. What a lovely tribute. Fynn was so special and we ike to think of him gambolling at the Bridge with Eric. But we can imagine how sad Jackie and Ivor are feeling.

    The Chans

  2. What a lovely tribute to our sweet friend Flynn. We're sad too, he was such a special boy. Purrs

  3. Another sweet soul is added to the list of our angels.

    Emma and Buster

  4. Thank you for your lovely tribute to our dear boy.

  5. Another legend in the CB gone. We'll miss Flynn so much. Purrs to his mom and dad.

  6. We were so very sad that Flynn had to leave. But we know Eric was right there, waiting for him.

  7. We are heartbroken about Flynn. He and Eric were some of the first cats we met when blogging. We are hoping Flynn said hi to our Angel Bobo too catchatwithcarenandcody


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