
Saturday, June 3, 2017


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. We are starting off the day with a few gentle thunderboomer storms. Nothing bad to hid from. Mum just needs to wait until it pass afore she goes takes her shower.

I got all acited the other night and mum caught my tail swishing back and forth, it had been going faster. Why? A baby bird had landed on the top of the stone, just outside my window. Now the window was closed at the time.
 See me inside and after I tried to pounce on him he flew away from the window. The fevver is on the left side of the picture, just under the bottom railing.
 I am stealing this from the girls, I gets to see the outside too and as of this AM we now have three lovely poppy blooms. Here I am watching them.
Here is a nice pic from yesterday of two poppy blooms. Umm, Mum, you gots a dandy lion in there too. MOL.

We hope you have a lovely Caturday and weekend.


  1. Those poppies are really pretty! But the birdie makes for better watching.

  2. #1 loves that colour in poppies!

    Enjoy your weekend.

    The Chans

  3. Fabulous poppies - well done mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We had a big storm this morning and more coming this afternoon! Lovely flowers!

  5. Pretty poppies ! We had storms too, but nothing serious. Purrs


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.