
Monday, August 14, 2017

ManCat Monday

New Cats are under warranty from the manufacturer: Six Years or 100,000 meows, whichever comes first. - Bill Mason

Oh noes, Six years?! That means my warranty is up. Mum says she doesn't care, she will take care of me. 
 Me and mum  had a wonderful weekend. First, she stayed home with me, so I got lots of cuddles and pets and good foods.

Mum did something strange on Caturday night, or really early Sunday morning, she got up out of bed and went out and looked at the sky for about an hour. She said she was watching for meteors. She did see a few.

Plus she slept in her regular clothes and not her sleeping clothes. Said it was easier to go outside and be dressed. Then she slept in for a bit as well. But I thinks things are about back to normal schedule.

Hope everyone has a good week.


  1. Mums getting up and running around in the night time is not the norm. Mums are meant to snooze when it's dark and stay snoozing until the sun comes up. Oh well - must have been some special meteors.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. My human was so focused on CatCon stuff that she forgot to go look at the meteors.

  3. How cool that your mom was able to see meteors ! Purrs

  4. There were meteors? How did our mom miss that, we wonder. She usually makes us watch for stuff too.

  5. We're glad you had a great weekend with your mum, Ducky.

  6. We like seeing meteors but didn't go out this year. I'm glad your mom was able to see a few.

  7. cool that your mom got to see some mentors

  8. that quote is hilarious! Love it! Shhh...don't tell but every now and then my Mom sleeps in her regular clothes too MOL! Love, Cody catchatwithcarenandcody

  9. Glad she got to see some. We tried 3 nights in a row and it was cloudy every night.

  10. Boots: My warranty is up too, but I'm going strong.


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