
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday This and That

Halloweenie is almost over. We had some sticky people show up for candy and mum gave out almost all of the candy. Said that is a good thing. 
 I am not a cat who likes to run outside, so mum didn't hide me in the sleepy room. I just chilled and napped. Plus mum saw a black kitty run through our yard this afternoon. In a hurry to get somewhere,  he didn't stop to say hello.

Don't forget on Caturday, it is the blog blast for peace. Mum counted and this will be our 11th year. Gotta keep our streak going. 


  1. You are a very good boy, Ducky! We had no trick-or-treaters at all, but that's OK. Not many kids at all in this little enclave. We hope that little black cat is safe. We know they are at particular risk around this time of year. (Our local shelter and Animal Humane will not even adopt them out.)

  2. We had our lights out and no candy! The humans here just don't do the Halloween thing... which is kind of a bummer because I bet I would have liked to have dressed up and greeted trick or treaters and gotten pets!

  3. Glad that you and you mum got through Halloweenie okay, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. We had some trick or treaters, but I ignored em.

  5. No trick or treaters here, Ducky. Living a mile down an isolated country lane has it's advantages.

  6. We live at the end of a pretty long lane, and Halloween is a bit of a non-event in France, so we had a quiet evening of it.

    The Chans

  7. dood...we hope de naybor cat hada place ta go N bee safe ~~ ☺☺♥♥

  8. We don't celebrate Halloween either, we had a quiet evening too. Purrs


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