
Saturday, December 16, 2017


It is done! Mum finished the crow-shay yesterday!!!! So she put it on the floor to take a look at it, at this time she still had to trim off the little strings.
I immediately came over to check it out and see the work mum did. Looks good, this is only for mum, so any wonky parts she can deal with.

I later checked it out better, it moves well and I can pounce on it and get it to move. Mum also got the little strings ends cut, so it is all ready to be used.

Plus mum went to shop for foods yesterday and she brought home this beauty. HAM!!!! Actually Honey Ham.
Spiral sliced and all. So mum will open this up and make lots of little packages of ham, then freeze them all. Then just pull what we need to eat in a short time out.
We have snow, but it might get warm, so it may be melting away. Mum says the weather guessers are saying we might get a big storm the end of the week. So that would give us a white Christmouse.

Anyway, have a happy weekend. Stay warm, get your shopping done!


  1. A white Catmas would be fun. We're supposed to be getting a storm too, but it will probably be rain. As usual, we're all dry again, so we'll take anything.

    Your mum is so clever, Ducky! Ours can crochet a chain, and that's about it. Oh, and guess what? It was 33° the night of the Geminids so Mom didn't stay out long, but she saw 5 meteors in about 10 minutes! She says this is the most she's ever seen ever.

  2. What a nice throw! Perfect for a white Christmas.

  3. Your mom bean is furry talented Ducky, and a good shopper too Ducky. Enjoy that ham!

  4. Your mom is talented, what a pretty carpet ! She can be proud that you gave it the paw of approval ! Purrs

  5. Your mum's crochet blankie looks lovely. The ham looks very tasty too.

  6. Fabulous crow-shay work by your mum Ducky, and pleasing to see that you take your quality-assurance responsibilities so seriously.

    I hope you both enjoy the ham.

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Your mom is really talented, Ducky. Good of you to give it a good inspection. Enjoy the ham.

  8. We can picture you and your mum spending lots of hours snuggling together on this beautiful blankie this winter.

  9. our snow is melting this week but hopefully more will be here for the weekend! That ham looks yummy! catchatwithcarenandcody

  10. Pssst- dad wants me to ask you to send us some of that ham without mom knowing. She doesn't let either of us have that anymore, and dad sure would love to have some...

  11. That's a beautiful blanket. I'm sure it will keep you and your mom cozy this winter.

  12. 1. That is why TBT only has stiff-backed carpet parts. We cant scrunch them up.
    2. We had snow a few days ago a hated it so we stayed inside fer 3 days til it melted.
    3. We like ham in small bits, but too much makes us REAL thirsty.

  13. Congrats on finishing your project! Excellent snoopervision too...


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