
Saturday, December 9, 2017


Happy Caturday! We woke up to this on the ground today. Snow! Not much, mum says about a half inch. Some of our buds in the south have had more! Be safe guys.
 If you look close you can see fevver tracks in the snow. It was a little junco hopping around.
 See all of the snacks, I mean fevvers, just hanging out in the tree? They had been eating at the feeders, so just resting for a bit.
Me? Well I will do what I normally do, that is nap and hang out with mum. Mum has a lunch date so will have to go out. Plus she has to clear the snow off the drive and the patio as well. '
All settled in, so now I can be all warms and nap. You all have a wonderful weekend and be safe!


  1. Sure do wish we could join you on your ham-mick, Ducky! Purrfect place for it.

  2. It looks like you have a nice Caturday planned, Ducky! I hope your human is having a good one too - good thing there is not too much snow for her to clear!

  3. Nice Caturday ! Enjoy your comfy hammick, Ducky ! Purrs

  4. Sounds like your day will be much more relaxing than your mum's. We haven't had any snow, but there was 2-3 inches about 10 miles from us.

  5. When your mum has to clear the snow off the driveway, it's good to celebrate the fact that you're a pusscat not a bein!

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Looks like you found the perfect spot!
    Have a warm and wonderful weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  7. Brrr! We hasn't had any of dat yet.

  8. Sure looks like you ended up all nice and comfy!

  9. you got about the same amount of snow as us! Stay warm and toasty!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  10. You look warm and comfy, Ducky ! Purrs !

  11. That's an absolutely perfect spot for your bed. My heater vents come out of the floor so I can sleep directly on them!

  12. Ducky, that's a great beddy! It's a hammock...wonder if Manny and Chili Bruce would like them?


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