
Monday, January 1, 2018

Mancat Monday - Happy Mew Year.

No amount of time can erase the memory of a good cat, and no amount of masking tape can ever totally remove his fur from your couch. - Leo Dworken

Happy Mew Year! Hope 2018 brings you good stuff in your life and the lives of your humans. We would like the usual stuff of peace and loves. 
 Sitting by mum while she works on the puter. I like sitting  here, I push my paws under the puter to where it is all warms. Nice to get the paws toasty!
 Plus you can see the new blankie mum has been working on. She is making good progress and should be done soon. She did much of this while she was watching the feetsball games today.
 Mum does not plan to stay up until midnight. I will be on my usual patrol at midnight.

Final Feetsball Report  for The Pack - they lost, they look bad. They can all go home and think about how bad things were this season and in some cases how back they played. Mum is hoping that a few of the coaches get the boot. Maybe a few people in the front office too.

So, Happy 2018, let's make it a good one!


  1. Happy Mew Year to you and your human, Ducky!

  2. Good to see ya snoopervising your mum on the computer and with her crow-shay work Ducky.

    Happy 2018 to you and your mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Our Mom agrees one billion percent with that quote. And she LOVES your new blanket. Happy New Year, dear Ducky and Ducky's mom. Thank you for inviting us into your world over the past year and here's looking forward to the next!

  4. Have a spectacular New Year!

    Noodle and crew

  5. Happy New Year to you and your Mom, Ducky! Is it really cold where you are?

    The Chans

  6. Happy New Year Ducky and mum!

  7. Happy New Year. It certainly is frigid where you are, so keep those toes warm.

  8. Happy New Year to you and your mum!

  9. May 2018 bring you health and happiness, toys and treats, laps and scritchies!

  10. Yay to 2018, and the Detroit Lions fired a bunch of coaches, because they could have done so much better!

  11. Happy New Year, Ducky and to your mum! Da Bears wasted NO time firing their coach. Good riddance!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.