
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Gotcha Day - 8th Anniversary

Wow, 8 years ago today mum came to the shelter and we picked each other out of the crowd. It sure has been a nice 8 years and I hope for many more!
 Me in my shelter cage, lady get me out of here. So we got to meet without the bars between us and we knew we were meant for each other.
 Getting brought home, so my first two pics once I got here. I had mum's sleepy room all to myself for a bit. Derby wasn't allowed in for several days, mum said I had to see the vet man first.
 My first stop was under the bed! I didn't stay here long. Mum just laid down on the floor and chatted with me, so I came out to asplore the place. The litter box room and all. All of my necessary stuff was in there too. Foods, water and box.
I will just hang out in this corner for a bit if you don't mind. In time I got used to mum, Derby and the rest of the house. I sure am happy we hooked up!

So, I have a buffet set up for all of you to have some nibbles. Help me cellybrate my Gotcha Day in style.
 Plus it is Mardi Gras day today! WhooHoo, Party on everyone!


  1. Well, you certainly picked yourself a good 'un, Ducky. Well done! A terrific eight years and many more to come.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Happy Anniversary, Ducky! It is a special time for you. If you feel like a party, come over. Please join Sasha for his 5th Birthday party. Bring your friends for a lively evening.

  3. We remember the day well Ducky!
    Scout and mom send congrats and love.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day! You are the best Valentine's a girl could ever have.

    Emma and Buster

  5. Ducky! Happy Gotcha Day! I'm glad you were gotted.

  6. 8 years! Yay!
    Happy, happy Gotcha Day, Ducky!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky ! What a great pawty ! Purrs

  8. Congrats on a fine Gotcha Day Ducky! You sure got a nice furever home and we are glad you did. Thanks fur the great pawty and make sure you come by our house for our GRRRREAT Valentines pawty tomorrow on the 14th
    Purrs my friend
    Timmy and Family

  9. dood...a most happee gotcha day two ewe N heerz ta 80 mor....thanx for de grate food a bullz........well, honest lee...MOST oh it ☺☺☺ .....

    we hope yur dayz awesum, hope mum grillz ya sum roast beest N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healhteez !!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  10. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky. Wow, eight years! I remember when you came to your forever home.

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! Let's party!!

  12. Party on! You are such a beautiful Ginger kitty.

    Debby in Arizona

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! We remember that day you came home.

  14. Happy Gotcha Day and happy Mardi Gra!!!! We remember when you came home, sure doesn't seem like 8 years ago. How time flies.

  15. Wow, Ducky, some of us (Caroline and Mom) remember when you came to live with your mum and Derby! Time sure does fly, doesn't it? Happy Gotcha Day! And Laissez Les Bons Chats Rouler!

  16. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! We're glad you were gotcha'd into such an awesome home. :)

  17. So sorry I am late for your Gotcha Day party. Mom is out of town and I can just now visit a little. So happy you have a wonderful furever home.

    Happy Valentine's Day too!!

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky -and many more! You sure hit the Jackpot ! (But so did Mum.)

  19. Happy Gotcha Day, Ducky! We've enjoyed all 8 years of your good life.

  20. We are sooo happy you were "gotted!!" Happy Belated Gotcha Day and what a pawty!! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody


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