
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Throw Back Thursday

It has been nice here the past few days but rather cool and windy. Mum checked on the girls but they say that they think it is still too cold to make an appearance even if spring starts next week.  
 It has been nice and sunny so I have been taking advantage of toasting myself in the front window. First one side, then the other. Then I go sit on mum who likes to snuggle my warm furs. 

Mum has been out and about this week. She even went to a talk on worms that jump! Seems some funky worms have invaded Whiskerconsin. Mum says we don't have them in our yard. Funky in that they taste bad and even the birds won't eat them!

We don't have snow, but 10 years ago, there was lots of snow, you can see how much there was left!

Alaxing Saturday from March 15, 2008

It has been a nice quiet day here. Mum did a little shopping in the morning buying herself a few new springy clothes.

Spring is really coming, we can see the grass in front of the house again! It has been hiding for the longest time. Mum says she should put the springy wreath up on the door! Just do it mum.
Then mum looked in front of the house and she saw that the tulips are starting to push their way up from the warmth of the house.
This is the big pile of snow in the back of the house is getting smaller but this is the last bit of snow that disappears each year as it doesn't get much sun on it. Mum says it is half as high as it used to be a few weeks ago.
Grampie gets a little better each day. Mum calls him every morning and evening to check on him, but he says he is feeling more normal. So thanks to all who purred for him.


  1. That's great that you are already getting good sun puddles!

  2. Oooh - those worms don't sound like good news at all.

    Sydney, Australia

  3. Must get evenly toasted, Ducky!
    Those worms sound scary!

  4. dood....itz brisk heer sew we can understand why de gurlz wanna wait a wee de rate itz goin....if itz crazed ther... like it iz heer; we mite knot see virginger N crew til may !! ☺☺♥♥

  5. We wonder if those jumping worms are any relation to walking fish! EEEEK!

  6. We’ve had some sun but it’s still cold here. We’re beginning to wonder if it will ever get warm. Those sound like some crazy worms.

  7. Wow, that was one snowy year. Yippee for warmth and the returning sun!

  8. I am glad you are getting sun puddles. We are getting more snow!
    We have intruder worms in the UK too. I don't know if they jump, but they eat the earthworms that are good for the soil. I think I read that they came over from NZ in potted plants.
    That was a lot of snow you had in 2008.


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