
Monday, April 16, 2018

ManCat Monday

Cats don't like change without their consent. - Roger A. Caras

Yeah, I don't like change. Especially when we finally get some sort of decent weather and it changes back to WINTER!

We had some rain Friday and early Caturday, then just a bit of snow late Caturday. Then overnight it hit and kept snowing into the day of Sunday.

 Mum did clear off the drive as best she could, but lots of this is snow and ice stuck. Or super heavy to shovel. Mum says the sun can help it melt soonest.
 It was super windy too. Blew over the feeder holder and mum just left it down until Sunday when the wind was less. It even blew Glimmer over and she is buried in the snow.
Mum found a picture of me on one of her flashy boxes, yes, she has more than one. We had sun that day and I was blisshed out by getting tummeh rubs. I want a wonderful sunny and warm day, actually I would like lots of sunny days.

Happy week.


  1. You've gotta feel sorry for those wee birds. They must be so confused about the seasons! At least they're providing you and your mum with some excellent bird TV.

    We're still having summer here in the middle of autumn - so it seems that the weather has got stuck. You send us some winter and you can sure have our summer: I'm sick of it!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. OMC! I can't believe you got that snowstorm in the middle of spring! SO not fair.

  3. Gosh, how many times have you cleaned things up in preparation for spring? More than we have, we're certain! We don't generally get snow but looks like we might set a monthly record for rain in April again this year. We hope our cement sidewalks don't grow mossy since Mom already scrubbed them down once last month. We always have lots of Juncos in the winter but they have started to thin out a bit. Maybe they're going to your house! We'll be in the 60's by the end of the week. We'll send on that warmth your way!

  4. Snow, ice, and torrential rains here! Is this some sort of joke that Spring is playing on us? We are not amused!

  5. winter haz now been added ta R list oh all thingz bass terd ~~~

    glimmer; pleez hold on......helpz on de way ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  6. We loved your birds-in-the-snow report! Hiya, Ducky!

  7. You look like you don't want to be disturbed in that photo.

    Emma and Buster

  8. We have to say this has been the craziest starts of the spring season we have ever witnessed. We were just a little lucky here. We have heavy rain yesterday morning. With some flooding to streets. Thanks for sharing the photos. Hopefully, next ones will be a bright sunshine and beautiful flowers. Plus tummy rubs. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  9. Really enjoyed your Mum's video, I was glad to hear what she said about the juncos. They come down to here (NE Ohio) in the fall, and they are still here, so evidently they aren't ready to head north yet. We have a good dusting of snow this morning after terrible rains all weekend.

  10. this weather is insane!!! We have had ice storms and snow......I think this weekend it might finally decide to be Spring! catchatwithcarenandcody


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