
Monday, April 23, 2018

ManCat Monday

For me, one of the pleasures of cats' company is their devotion to bodily comfort. - Compton MacKenzie

Mum abandoned me this weekend. Off to play with racy cars and she left already on Friday! Said for this early event they have to train new peoples, so they need an extra day. You just don't learn all there is to driving a racy car in one day. The driving is the easy part, it is knowing what to do when things don't go right.

Mum said there was even a wedding on Caturday evening. Mum said the bride wore a dress that was made with checkered flag material. Mum did not have her flashy box with her during the ceremony to take a picture. If mum comes across a pic she will snag it for me.
 Mum found a real mallard duck at the track, this is the mister, the missus was around too, but mum didn'g get a picture.
 When she got home, this is the biggest pile of snow left in the yard. This is near the street and does get lots of sun. Plus we have snow left in the back.
 What was really cool mum got this envelope with green paper in it. I asked if this will be for me for treats and mum said NO! How dare she. She said this is for showing up and working. They randomly draw names and mum was one of three winners this weekend.
 So not what mum is back, I need to sit on her so she stays home with me for a bit.
Everyone have a good week.


  1. I think you should sit on her until she agrees that at least some of those green papers are for pusscat treats. After all - she did you leave you alone this weekend.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. What's better to spend that money on than you, Ducky?

  3. Ducky, did that work? Sitting on her, I mean?

  4. kewl iz that yur mum getted thoze greenz......may bee her can use it to buy sum new cameraz film... coz it seemz her mite a getted a BAD ROLL WHAT WITH DE BURD SNAP SHOTZ ~~~~~~


  5. Green papers are always welcome ! Purrs

  6. That was a nice surprise for your mum to get the green papers. Maybe she will change her mind and get you something after all. You should tell her it's good to share. On second thoughts, if you tell her that she might want to share your treats. That wouldn't be so good.

  7. Your mum's lap looks just as inviting as ours! Maybe she will buy some meats to grill with that $50 and you will get some.

  8. wooo hooo about green papers coming in the mail! Well deserved! catchatwithcarenandcody


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